• Provide recommendations for establishing a new strategic communications framework within the MOD.
  • Collaborate with the MOD to develop a strategic communications strategy aligned with national objectives.
  • Offer advice to the Government of Bulgaria on effective partnerships with the MOD to implement strategies for countering malign information.
  • Assist in formulating strategic communications plans, engaging target audiences, addressing vulnerabilities, and establishing communication channels.
  • Recommend best practices for countering misinformation and identifying future effective campaigns.
  • Help the MOD assess workforce needs for strategic communications and create career pathways to enhance recruitment and retention.
  • Advise on supporting national efforts to counter foreign malign influence. 
  • Foster strong relationships with key stakeholders in the Ministry of Defense for effective collaboration.
  • Work with MOD officials to identify gaps in strategic communications and consult with relevant government entities.
  • Share expertise on necessary reforms and propose legislative, policy, and training enhancements for a robust communications capability.
  • Assist in developing procedures that incorporate legal considerations into operational decision-making.
  • Identify barriers to change in strategic planning, offer recommendations, and collaborate on solutions to achieve desired outcomes.